TANGe (Tower ATS-System Next Generation) Phase 1+ incl. Service Architecture
A main objective of the project TANGe (Tower Air Traffic Service - ATS) Next Generation – Phase 1, 1+ and 2) is the implementation of core PCP functionalities with regard to deploying A-SMGCS (Advanced Surface Movement and Guidance Control System) Routing and Planning Functions as well as the associated Airport Safety Nets at the airports of Frankfurt (EDDF), Munich (EDDM), Düsseldorf (EDDL) and Berlin (EDDB).
The scope of this implementing project is the implementation of a new and enhanced tower ATS-system delivering the required PCP IR functionalities comprising:
– Departure Management Synchronised with Pre-departure sequencing
– Departure Management integrating Surface Management Constraints
– Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing
– Airport Safety Nets
– Upgrade to SWIM
The need for an enhanced DFS tower ATS-system is justified/urgent because the current ATS-system is not capable of supporting the described “Airport Integration and Throughput” functions, except for the “Departure Management Synchronized with Pre-departure sequencing” for which DFS is already PCP compliant through the implementation of A-CDM at the PCP airports of Frankfurt (EDDF), Munich (EDDM), Düsseldorf (EDDL) and Berlin (EDDB; once airport becomes operational).
Furthermore, the current system architecture cannot be upgraded to a future iSWIM service with the relevant interfaces as required by the PCP IR EU No 716/2014 ATM Functionalities AF5. Hence, a change towards a service-orientated system architecture is indispensable.
The project TANGe is the first project of a DFS wide programme called “ZAAS – Zukunftsarchitektur ATS Systeme” - (“Future ATS System Architecture”). The programme ZAAS strives for optimisation of maintenance processes, methods, and ATS Systems. ZAAS supports digital transformation of DFS ATS IT by consolidating ATS Technology in Data Centres using new architecture concepts (e.g. Cloud Computing, Service Orientation). The goal is to accelerate the implementation and deployment of operational requirements. This also strives to optimise the use of resources in the product life cycle.
In order to ensure that the new tower ATS-system meets all operational requirements regarding performance for the Key Performance Areas of capacity, safety, ANS (Air Navigation Service) cost efficiency as well as resilience, interoperability and security of the system, the project / system TANGe will be deployed in three Phases.
TANGe PHASE 1 defines all activities necessary to achieve the PCP IR S-AF 2.4 and S-AF 2.5 compliance for German PCP Towers (funded under IP 2016_021_AF2, Action 2016-EU-TM-0117-M).
TANGe PHASE 1+ (scope of this implementing project) will use the results from phase 1 to generate requirement specifications needed to create necessary updates of concept of services, migration, architecture, etc. to achieve the PCP IR S-AF 2.4 and S-AF 2.5 compliance for German PCP Towers.
In TANGe PHASE 2 (scope of future funding applications) the system/services are developed and ready to be rolled out, will be deployed and taken into operational use at the airports of EDDF, EDDM, EDDL and EDDB. The TANGe System will be fully compliant with PCP IR S-AF 2.4 and S-AF 2.5 for EDDF, EDDM, EDDL and EDDB. It will also include the upgrade to SWIM standards. TANGe Phase 2, following phase 1+, is not part of this funding application.
Coordination with the airport operators regarding technical interfaces and infrastructure will be considered in Phase 2.
Phase 1+ of the TANGe project will deal with:
Iterative validation and review of functional requirements
Iterative validation and review of human machine interface (HMI) requirements
Execution of safety assessments
Developement and update of an architecture concept aligned with a new established DFS program ZAAS “Future ATS System Architecture”
Developement and update of a migration concept aligned with a new established DFS program ZAAS “Future ATS System Architecture”
Developement and update of a maintenance concept for the new ATS System aligned with a new established DFS program ZAAS “Future ATS System Architecture”
Creation of a process model concept for service orientated software development
Refinement of services and technical requirements (Follow-Up of Phase 1)
Deployment/implementation of basic services
Transition and rollout concept
Phase 1+ is a planning activity to achieve the PCP IR S-AF 2.4 and S-AF 2.5 compliance for German PCP Towers.
Specific objectives:
(Covered by IP 2016_021_AF2, Action 2016-EU-TM-0117-M)
Defines concepts and specifies “WHAT” kind of system features and functions to develop with respect to roles and responsibilities.
(scope of this implementing project)
In addition to PHASE1 in this phase requirements will be refined. Appropriate validations will be done to clarify “HOW” the exact design of the functions will be.
Expected Results:
Phase 1+ of the TANGe project will produce the following results:
Project specific documents are drafted
Safety assessment concept document is drafted – Safety requirements are identified
Iterative requirements document is drafted
Refinement of services and technical requirements (Follow-Up of Phase 1) are achieved
Architecture concept document is drafted
Migration concept document is drafted
Maintenance concept for the new ATS is designed
Process model concept for service orientated software development is designed and approved
Basic services are deployed
Transition and rollout concept is designed
Performance Benefits:
The Phase 1+ is mandatory for Phase 2 that means the ## Performance benefits will be generated at the end of TANGe Phase 2 (roll-out).
In the long run, after implementation of TANGe PHASE 2 (not funded under this Action) the following benefits are expected:
Reduced maintenance costs in system management, software development and deployment, product- and requirement management, reduced hardware costs
To a create significantly higher flexibility and faster implementation of changes (time-to-operation)
To achieve a more predictable and targeted further development of the ATS components (innovation capability) in the future
To align operational requirements to procedures, regulations and ergonomics
To align the TANGe ATS system with IT security requirements"
Countries involved
Additional Information
- Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2017
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: No
- Main AF: AF2 - Airport Integration and Throughput
- Sub AF: S-AF 2.4 Automated Assistance to Controller for Surface Movement Planning and Routing
- Progress Percentage: 100%