DLS Implementation Project - Path 2

The DLS Implementation Project - Path 2 aims at supporting SDM in the identification and provision of an
overall deployment picture of the Target Solution, as reported in ELSA Project Recommendations (Annex
2 of the DLS Recovery Plan).
In particular, activities performed in Path 2 support SDM in:
addressing the ELSA Recommendations: GND-02, GND-03, GND-05, GND-07 and GND-08;
the definition of the Service Area;
the definition of Service Design and Technical architecture at European level;
the elaboration of a Business Case study for the TArget Solution;
the analysis of the Services to be provided by the Model D (target Solution);
in the definition of a European Common DLS Governance.
Path II aims also at providing an overall deployment picture, through the identification of the activities that
are expected to be addressed towards the implementation of the Target Solution enabling to reach Initial
Trajectory Information Sharing according to DP 2016 Addendum 1.
Moreover, as part of the architecture definition, the following points have to be addressed.
Identification of improvements on legacies DL infrastructures;
Use of PENS to connect G/G (BIS) routers;
IoP improvements of the ATN DL Networks operated by different entities.
Additional Information
- Project Type: Air Navigation Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2016
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: Yes
- Main AF: AF6 - Initial trajectory information sharing
- Sub AF: S-AF 6.1 - Initial Trajectory Information Sharing
- Progress Percentage: 100%