This Implementation Project comprises the concept of operations development, the definition of the Occupancy Traffic Monitoring Values (OTMVs) for each sector and the development of local procedures based on occupancy for the use of Short Term ATFCM (Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management) Measures (STAM) and training for the main personnel involved (Terminal Control Areas and Room Supervisors). It shall address the complete implementation of the project in all six Spanish Area Control Centres until the start of the permanent operational use.
Therefore, this Implementation Project aims to achieve Full STAM Phase 1 implementation in Spain by Developing STAM Phase 1 Concept of Operations:
Developing STAM Procedures for Spanish Control Centres.
Developing Operational Guidance Material.
Performing Training of Operational Personnel.
With the previous activities, ENAIRE will fully cover the 100% of the DP gap 4.1.1 - STAM Phase 1. Regarding the impact of the Implementation Project, the application of Short Term ATFCM (Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management) Measures will contribute to the graduai suppression of ATFM regulations and to an optimised management of traffic demand, reducing the traffic congestion, streamlining the sector occupancy, improving the safety and avoiding possible conflicts. All these aspects will also increase the service quality, not only in the national traffic management, but also in the cross-border sectors.