European Harmonised Forecasts of Adverse Weather (Icing, Turbulence, Convection and Winter weather)

Provide resilient, single source (with robust backup capability) and harmonized adverse weather forecast products (including convection, icing, turbulence and winter conditions) within the European domain. In particular the MET information will cover high density TMA and Airports, as well as pan European network applications.,Enable all stakeholders (ATC, Airlines, Airports, AU, supporting actors) to base decisions on a common representation of adverse weather situations, thereby increasing safety in complex scenarios and facilitating collaborative reactions to hazardous weather events. ,Distribute forecast information of adverse weather via the MET-GATE (069-AF5) service, using protocols and governance compatible with SWIM architecture and principles.,Enable comprehensive assessments of the impact of adverse weather on all aspects of industry operations, providing a high degree of confidence and accuracy. A clearer understanding of uncertainty will assist in operational decision making.,Raising awareness of new MET capabilities among stakeholder groups.
Countries involved
Additional Information
- Project Type: Meteo Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2015
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: Yes
- Main AF: AF5 - Initial System Wide Information Management
- Sub AF: S-AF 5.4 - Meteorological information exchange
- Progress Percentage: 100%