European Weather Radar Composite of Convection Information Service

Originate resilient, single source real-time 3-dimensional (3D) weather radar information of convective weather events for high density TMA and Airport with 1) Departure Management Synchronised with Pre-departure sequencing, 2) Departure Management integrating Surface Management Constraints, or 3) Time-Based Separation for Final Approach.,Originate resilient, single source real-time weather radar information of convective weather events for the European geographical footprint.,Distribute weather radar information of convective weather events in a SWIM complaint format through the MET-GATE (069-AF5) service by applying SWIM compliant protocols, standards and governance principles.,Enable all aviation stakeholders (including ATC, NM, Airlines, Airports) to base decisions on a common reference and representation of convective weather events for the European geographical footprint.,Raising awareness of new MET capabilities among stakeholder groups.
Countries involved
Additional Information
- Project Type: Meteo Service Provider
- CEF Call Year: 2015
- Civil/Military: Civil
- Multistakeholder: Yes
- Main AF: AF5 - Initial System Wide Information Management
- Sub AF: S-AF 5.4 - Meteorological information exchange
- Progress Percentage: 100%