The European Air Traffic Management modernization journey continues
Let’s keep on delivering together! This was the big takeaway of our SESAR Deployment Manager Annual Meeting on 25 November, which gathered over 300 participants from the European ATM community. A big THANK YOU to all the participants, with special thanks to Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director-General of the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (MOVE), and Mr. Dirk Beckers, Director of the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency, as well as our Round-Table Session speakers from DG MOVE, INEA, European Defence Agency, EUROCONTROL and SESAR Joint Undertaking for sharing their perspective and their commitment to SESAR deployment.
SESAR Deployment Manager supports ATM modernization since 2014, with now over 150 projects completed by our Implementing Partners and with the support of the European Commission and INEA. The SESAR Deployment Manager Function will continue to join forces and keep on making European ATM more effective, cost-efficient, scalable, and environmentally sustainable. The journey together with all involved stakeholders continues!
Check out our video on the continuing journey of European ATM modernization through SESAR deployment for more effective, cost-efficient, scalable, and environmentally sustainable Air Traffic Management:
The highlights of our Annual Meeting:
The full morning session:
Opening by Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager of SESAR Deployment Manager:
Keynote speech by Henrik Hololei, Director General at the European Commission – Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (MOVE):
Closing by Dirk Beckers, Director – INEA – Innovation and Networks Executive Agency
Round Table Session, moderated by Mariagrazia La Piscopia (Chief Strategy & Programme Management), with
Filip Cornelis (Director - Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission)
Cristobal Millan-De-La-Lastra (Head of Unit CEF Transport C2 - Central and South-East Europe and ATM - INEA - Innovation and Networks Executive Agency)
Emilio Fajardo (Director Industry, Synergies & Enablers - European Defense Agency)
Paul Bosman (Head of ATM Infrastructure Division - EUROCONTROL)
Florian Guillermet (Executive Director - SESAR Joint Undertaking)
Nicolas Warinsko (General Manager - SESAR Deployment Manager)