State-of-play of CEF Transport programme implementation and way forward
In December 2018, DG MOVE shared with the members of the Committee the approach it intended to follow in the run up to the end of the current CEF programme and the start of the successor programme (CEF 2) on 1 January 2021.
In particular, the note in reference established that the end date for implementation of the current CEF Transport programme would be 31 December 2023. It also defined a common approach concerning the possibility of amending the grant agreements to extend their duration. This common approach ensures that such amendments do not call into question the grant award decision or are contrary to the principle of equal treatment of applicants as outlined in the EU Financial Regulation1.
It was established that no Grant Agreement should be extended for a period of more than 24 months compared to its initial end date at the time when it was first signed. It was however also specified that, in exceptional and duly justified cases, and where necessary to reach full completion of the action or, at least, to reach full completion of a key activity therein, such extension could be prolonged up to an additional period of 12 months, in all cases within the end date of 31/12/2023.
The COVID-19 pandemic consequences on transport infrastructure investments requires to re-assess and adapt the approach defined in December 2018 to ensure that CEF beneficiaries and INEA have sufficient flexibility to carry out the implementation of the CEF actions.
This comes in addition to the measures already taken by INEA as regards the ongoing actions.