Single European Sky Deployment visualised
Check out all SESAR deployment projects in Europe via this Interactive map.
The interactive map allows you to view all completed, ongoing and planned SESAR deployment projects in Europe. The full list and details of all projects are shown below the map. Just hit the search button to look for a project.
To view details on a particular project, click on the marker of your choice.
Projects indicated with a blue marker are ‘ongoing’, a green marker indicates the project is ‘completed’ and a yellow means ‘planned’.
Please note that whenever there are more than 2 projects located nearby, the map indicates these with a blue cluster marker.
All details of projects can also be found in the overview below the map.
To look for a particular project, country or AF, just use the search field.
To get an overview of all ongoing, completed or planned projects, use the filter.
If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected]