Newsletter #1 2022
Newsletter #1 2022

Newsletter #1 2022




Dear reader,

Welcome to the 1st edition of our newsletter in 2022. Although deployment is already on cruise speed again, I believe it is still appropriate to wish all of you a very healthy and successful 2022 on behalf of the whole SESAR Deployment Manager team.

Seven years of synchronising and coordinating deployment of Air Traffic Management modernisation and digitalisation projects in Europe, seven years of intense and fruitful collaborations with all of our implementing partners in 34 countries, and today 229 completed projects with 112 ongoing projects: these achievements are more than just the sum of these numbers, it’s the result of the ongoing commitment of all aviation stakeholders.

Those past couple of years were especially rife in changes and unprecedented challenges. The pandemic threw our world into complete uncertainty, and yet the motivation of all involved in SESAR deployment allowed us to see positive evolutions in the deployment of ATM modernisation and digitalisation projects, as we crossed the milestone of 200 completed projects in late 2021 thanks to your commitment!

So, while the future on pandemic side is still quite uncertain, the future of SESAR deployment looks promising. Our ongoing commitment to sustainability and our resilience showcase positive trends for the commitment to the deployment of ATM modernisation and digitalisation. Most importantly, the smooth continuation of SESAR deployment is now also guaranteed after the end of our mandate in May 2022 thanks to the European Call released in October 2021for putting in place next SESAR Deployment Manager and Framework Partnership Agreement Coordinator mandate.

This Call for proposals, combined with the transition from the Pilot Common Project to Common Project 1, rests on the solid foundations established by the current SDM since 2015. We now look forward to a further strengthening of SESAR deployment for many more years to come, with the ongoing support and commitment of all involved stakeholders under the supervision of the European Commission, with the same energy and quality until the very end of our mandate. The SDM team is highly motivated to provide a transition for the nearly 100 implementing partners as smoothly and seamlessly as possible, together with the SDM’s successor.

But before we get to the transition in May, the current SESAR Deployment Manager has more to offer in the coming months. You can read more in this newsletter, and we invite you to keep an eye on our socials for news, upcoming events and activities Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram.

Enjoy reading,
Nicolas Warinsko, General Manager