Modernising Air Traffic Management As One News and Views from SESAR Deployment Manager Edition # 2
Dear reader,
2024 marks an important step forward for Air Traffic Management modernisation through SESAR Deployment. The European Commission recently confirmed the remaining of the ATM functionality 'Initial Trajectory Information Sharing' in the Common Project One (CP1) Regulation under our coordination.
Currently, SESAR Deployment Manager is managing different stakeholder consultation processes on the updated SESAR Deployment Programme, the updated CP1 Cost Benefit Analysis, the SESAR Deployment Objectives (SDOs) - coordinated by SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking - and the Minimum Operational Network (MON) in support to CNS PM. It is thanks to you, SESAR deployment stakeholders, and your ongoing commitment, that our consultation process is trustful and being recognised as the efficient and transparent way of consulting important ATM modernisation topics.
The overall completion of CP1 is steadily progressing, reaching an implementation status of 42% in 2023 (31% in 2022). Today, 85% of all CP1 projects are completed or in the process of completion. Details on the benefits that SESAR deployment is bringing to the European citizens and passengers through modernising ATM can be found in our brand-new publication 'Essential facts on the modernisation of EU skies', testifying how the overall passenger experience is continuously improved through SESAR deployment, enhancing safety, efficiency and sustainability in line with the EU climate objectives and fostering global connectivity.
Enjoy reading about our latest activities!
Madalina Kramer
Head of Stakeholder Relations and Buy-in