#inside_SDM: 5 things you need to know on CP1
#inside_SDM: 5 things you need to know on CP1

#inside_SDM: 5 things you need to know on CP1


5 Key Things You Need to Know About Common Project One (CP1) When modernising ATM in Europe 

1 - Regulatory Framework 

CP1 is a EU Regulation (EU) n. 2021/116, which outlines six essential ATM functionalities (AFs) that must be implemented across the European ATM Network by end 2027 to make sure Air Traffic Management is able to cope with the efficiency and environmental challenges of these years. This Regulation is crucial for ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of air traffic across Europe. 

2 - Key ATM Functionalities (AFs) 

CP1 consists of six main ATM functionalities, broken down into a total of 20 sub-ATM functionalities (sub-AFs). These functionalities are linked to Essential Operational Changes in the European ATM Master Plan and provide a clear roadmap for modernising air traffic management. 

3 - SESAR Deployment Programme 

The SESAR Deployment Programme plays a critical role in translating the content of the Regulation into actionable steps for operational stakeholders. It organizes the AFs and sub-AFs into deployment "Families", which include coherent sets of technological and operational elements necessary for implementation, and steers investments into ATM modernisation. 

4 - Deployment "Families" 

Each "Family" within the SESAR Deployment Programme is crucial for operational enhancements and benefits for the ATM community and European passengers. These Families ensure that technological and operational improvements are systematically implemented across the network, following specific milestones and a common workplan. 

5 - Coordination and Funding 

The SESAR Deployment Manager coordinates the implementation of 25 Families, ensuring synchronisation between local stakeholders and at European level.  

Stakeholders, including various aviation entities, undertake specific projects funded independently or through EU mechanisms, all guided by the SESAR Deployment Programme's guidance. This coordination is vital for synchronized and timely implementation of modernisation efforts. 

Understanding these key aspects of CP1 is essential as they provide the foundation for a safer, more efficient and sustainable future for European air travel. 

More explainers on INSIDE_SDM here!