#inside_SDM: 5 SESAR project families fully deployed!
#inside_SDM: 5 SESAR project families fully deployed!

#inside_SDM: 5 SESAR project families fully deployed!


From Vision to Reality: SESAR Deployment Programme Families Leading the Way! 

Discover how SESAR Deployment Programme project families are spearheading the modernization of European ATM systems! With activities spanning across 6 ATM Functionalities and distributed among 25 families, our stakeholders are driving SESAR deployment at every level.

Today already 5 SESAR Deployment Programme families are fully implemented in 30 European countries.  

Let’s zoom in on these families! 

Family 3.1.1 – Airspace Management and Advanced Flexible Use of Airspace: 

We have modernized airspace management with upgraded systems supporting its flexible use for civil purposes or for military missions. In full safety, airspace usage is now seamless and more effective than ever before. No longer divided as purely “civil” or “military,” airspace is dynamically planned and used by all kinds of airspace users, breaking boundaries for efficient operations. 

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Family 3.1.2 – Management of Predefined Airspace Configurations: 

Partnering for success, we’ve established an effective management of predefined routes and airspace structures, meeting diverse user needs. Civil-military collaboration ensures safety and interoperability, with defined procedures and adapted systems. Milestones achieved everywhere include efficient procedures from civil and military ANSPs and adapted Network Manager systems. 

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Family 3.2.1 – Initial Free Route Airspace: 

Transforming aviation efficiency! Initial Free Route is available everywhere in Europe. Full Free Route airspace projects cover over three quarters of European airspace already. Reduced route extensions and impressive fuel and emissions savings mark our success. With AF3, SESAR’s highest benefit-delivering deployment, we’re driving tangible environmental and operational improvements. 

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Family 4.1.1 – Enhanced Short Term ATFCM Measures: 

Smoothing sector workloads with enhanced ATFCM measures, we’re balancing demand and capacity for optimal operations. Tactical capacity management ensures efficient coordination between stakeholders, with efficient local procedures that guarantee safe operations. These measures prevent congestion and enhance operational flexibility, shortening flights and reducing delays. 

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Family 4.2.1 – Interactive Rolling NOP: 

Collaborative decision-making is at the core of the Interactive Rolling NOP. Providing a real-time view of the European network, stakeholders collaborate to build and execute plans. From airlines to ANSPs to the Network Manager, this platform fosters dialogue, supporting strategic to real-time operations with tailored information and secure access. 

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The total savings of these 5 completed SESAR Deployment Families are:

Total savings families

Note! By the end of 2024 we will have 3 more Families that will be fully completed. 

More INSIDE_SDM explainers here!