ADS-B: First deadline of the SPI IR 1207/2011 passed
December 7th 2020 marks the passing of the first deadline for the implementation of EU Regulation 1207/2011, amended by Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2020/587, commonly referred to as the SPI IR. On the occasion of this milestone SESAR Deployment Manager wishes to remind all concerned air operators of their stipulated obligations.
According to the amendment, from today on:
- Air operators shall have the ELS implementation completed;
- Airframes with first individual C of A issued on or after this date shall comply with ADS-B and EHS provisions as per SPI IR;
- Air operators shall indicate non-equipage in their flight plans, see Ref (A) article 14a, and Ref (B) AMC1 Article 14a Flight Plans
- Air operators should be able to show, on request by their competent authority:
a) ADS-B / EHS retrofit plans indicating compliance prior to 07 JUN 2023, or
b) fleet planning documents indicating a planned phase-out prior to 31 OCT 2025 refer to Ref (B) AMC3 Article 5 Interoperability requirements
Additional information concerning Third Country operators can be found in the Ref (C).