ENAIRE completes SESAR deployment Implementation Project Fulfilment of the prerequisite A-SMGCS 2
Congrats to our member ENAIRE for successfully fulfilling the scope of the SESAR deployment project “IP 2015_211_AF2 Fulfilment of the prerequisite A-SMGCS 2 for the PCP AF2 sub functionality: Airport Integration & Throughput (2017-2019)”, which is a long title for an important prerequisite for SESAR Deployment Programme Family 2.3.1 “Airport Safety Nets” in Common Project 1 (CP1).
It integrates the surveillance information (regarding all relevant aircraft and vehicles on the area) and controller runway related clearances, to generate and distribute the appropriate alerts.
We are happy to inform that Madrid Barajas International Airport is currently implementing Runway Incursion Alerts based on A-SMGCS 2, as well as Aeropuerto de Barcelona El Prat and Palma de Mallorca airports.