The Future in Aviation: Iris, a reality for Air Traffic Management
The Future in Aviation: Iris, a reality for Air Traffic Management

The Future in Aviation: Iris, a reality for Air Traffic Management

02.10.2019 09:00-17:00

On Wednesday 2 October 2019, from 09:00 – 17:00 CET, SESAR Deployment Manager and the European Space Agency are organising an event to update all ATM stakeholders on Iris*, a new satellite-based air–ground communication system for Air Traffic Management.

The day will bring you a diversity of keynotes from all involved partners and three round table sessions, where various aspects of the solution Iris and its deployment will be discussed in interactive sessions.

We also offer you a networking dinner the evening before, on Tuesday 1 October from 18:00 – 22:00 CET.

The event is hosted by skeyes, the autonomous public company in charge of air traffic in the civil airspace in Belgium.


Agenda Workshop 2/10 

09:00 – 09:30 – Registration

09:30 – 11:45 – Key notes and Iris presentations

  • Opening – Magali Vaissiere – Director of telecommunications and integrated applications – European Space Agency & Nicolas Warinsko – General Manager – SESAR Deployment Manager

  • Legislation – Christine Berg – Head of Single European Sky Unit – DG MOVE – European Commission

  • Deployment – Nicolas Warinsko – General Manager – SESAR Deployment Manager

  • Validation and evolution – David Bowen – Chief ATM – SESAR Joint Undertaking

  • Network solutions – Iacopo Prissinotti – Director – Network Manager

  • Iris programme – European Space Agency Magali Vaissiere – Director of telecommunications and integrated applications – European Space Agency

  • Iris solution – Phil Balaam – President, Inmarsat Aviation – Inmarsat

  • Service provision – Thierry Racaud – CEO – ESSP

11:45 – 12:30 – Q&A

12:30 – 14:00 – Lunch & networking

14:00 – 14:45 – Round table discussion: Iris, solution implementation-ready for ATM

Moderator: SESAR Deployment Manager – Nicolas Warinsko


  • Inmarsat – Dale Irish

  • Airbus – Bernard Mouton

  • SESAR Joint Undertaking – David Bowen

  • EUROCAE – Luc Deneufchatel

  • Cobham – Martin Bülow Arndt

  • Honeywell – Zaruba Radek


15:00 – 15:45 – Round table discussion: Iris deployment

Moderator: SESAR Joint Undertaking – David Bowen


  • SESAR Deployment Manager – Davide Corinaldesi

  • Network Manager – Nikos Fistas

  • NATS – Ricardo De Sousa

  • easyJet – Mark Aizlewood


16:00 – 16:45 – Round table discussion: Iris service provision

Moderator: European Space Agency – Carlo Elia


  • Inmarsat – Sylvie Sureda-Perez

  • ESSP – Thierry Racaud

  • Network Manager – Jacky Pouzet

  • NATS – Ricardo De Sousa

  • IATA – Manfred Mohr

16:45 – 17:00 – Conclusions – European Space Agency & SESAR Deployment Manager

About Iris

Iris aims to make aviation safer, greener and more efficient by developing a new satellite-based air–ground communication system for Air Traffic Management (ATM), in partnership with Inmarsat.*

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About European Space Agency

The European Space Agency (ESA) is Europe’s gateway to space. Its mission is to shape the development of Europe’s space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world.

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About SESAR Deployment Manager

The SESAR Deployment Manager (SDM) is the official title of the organisation that oversees and coordinates the upgrading of Europe’s air traffic management infrastructure. The main task of the SESAR Deployment Manager is to develop, propose and maintain the Deployment Programme of SESAR concepts and technologies and ensure efficient synchronisation and overall coordination of implementation projects, as well as the related investments in line with the Deployment Programme. The tasks of the Deployment Manager are specified in Article 9 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 409/2013.

* Iris is a solution for sattelite-based air-ground communication for ATM; Iris represents a solid option as complementary technology, both in terms of performance and fast operational availability.  SESAR Deployment Manager remains objective and only co-organises this event focussed on Iris as being one of the possible options and within the scope of its mandate on Data Link Services and AF6.

Both ESA and SDM have signed a Memorandum of Cooperation (MoC) in June 2018, marking the start of their collaboration.This event is a perfect example of a joint initiative.