SESAR, delivering the future of aviation together 3rd & 4th of June

03.06.2019 18:30 - 04.06.2019 15:20

On Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th of June 2019, SESAR Deployment Manager and ROMATSA are inviting you to “SESAR, delivering the future of aviation together” in Bucharest, Romania.

The aviation sector, with its constant growth over the past years and estimated growth for the future, has a decisive contribution in bringing European citizens closer together and facilitating economic development.

The focus of this conference will be on the high level of maturity that the Air Traffic Management industry is demonstrating daily through the SESAR Deployment Alliance and the wider SESAR Deployment Partnership, coordinating and monitoring the deployment of SESAR as the most essential enabler to achieve the Single European Sky high-level goals under the oversight of the European Commission. The light will also be shred on how the aviation industry could further support the European Union’s effort to meet citizens’ expectations for an efficient and environmental friendly air transport.

This conference will bring you the unique opportunity to hear from various keynotes how Europe is tackling ATM modernisation. During an interactive debate with aviation stakeholders you will get the different angles and animated discussion on how aviation stakeholders can work together to accommodate future growth in air traffic and deal with the capacity crunch.

Representatives of European Union Institutions, SESAR Deployment Manager, SESAR Joint Undertaking, European Defence Agency, air navigation service providers, airlines, airport operators and the military will unite in Bucharest to discuss the performance benefits that SESAR deployment brought so far and what further steps are needed for extended implementation of Air Traffic Management modernization projects that can alleviate the capacity crunch and make the European airspace seamless and efficient. The event will start on Monday evening and end on Tuesday evening.


03 June 2019 Monday

18.30 – 19:00 Arrival of participants to the Conference

19.00 – 22:00 Gala Dinner at the Novotel City Center


04 June 2019 Tuesday

  • 09:00 – 09:20 Registration to the Conference

  • 09:20 – 09:40 Opening of the Conference by the Romanian Ministry of Transport

    • Alexandru Razvan Cuc- Minister of Transport Romania 

  • 09:40 – 10:55 Keynotes from the European Commission, ROMATSA, SESAR Joint Undertaking, SESAR Deployment Manager.

    • Christine Berg – Head of Single European Sky Unit – DG MOVE – European Commission

    • Mircea Boștină –  Director General – ROMATSA

    • Florian Guillermet – Executive Director – SESAR Joint Undertaking

    • Iacopo Prissinotti – Director Network Manager

    • Nicolas Warinsko – General Manager – SESAR Deployment Manager

  • 10:55 – 11:20 Coffee break

  • 11:20 – 12:35 Conference session: a live panel discussion on “Overcoming the blame game – how can aviation stakeholders work together for accommodating future growth in air traffic and the capacity crunch?

    • Marian-Jean Marinescu – Member of the European Parliament

    • Isabelle Jagiello Senior Project Manager – Innovation and Networks Agency (INEA)

    • Janusz Janiszewski – CEO – PANSA

    • Tanja Grobotek – Director European Affairs – CANSO

    • Andreas Eichinger – Vice-President Operational Planning – Frankfurt Airport

    • Regina Klotz – Vice-President SESAR Deployment – Deutsche Lufthansa

    • Sven Rensmeyer – LtCol Project Officer SESAR – European Defence Agency

  • 12:35 – 13:50 Buffet Lunch

  • 13:50 – 15:00 Conference session: continuation of the panel discussions with views from the European Commission, airports, airlines, air navigation service providers and the military aviation.

Q&A session.

  • 15:00 – 15:15 Closing remarks

    • Mircea Boștină-  Director General – ROMATSA

    • Nicolas Warinsko- General Manager – SESAR Deployment Manager

  • 15:20 Departure and bus transfer to the airport


“SESAR, delivering the future of aviation together” is organised by SESAR Deployment Manager and ROMATSA, the Romanian air traffic services administration with the support of CANSO, the civil air navigation services organisation and is taking place under under the official patronage of the Romanian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.