Interim Payment Workshop 23 or 24 May 2018
The SESAR Deployment Manager team is pleased to invite you to the:
Interim Payment Workshop for:
DP Implementation – Call CEF 2014, n° 2014-EU-TM-0136-M
SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 – Cluster 1, n° 2015-EU-TM-0193-M
SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 – Cluster 2, n° 2015-EU-TM-0196-M
SESAR Deployment Programme implementation 2015 – Cluster 3, n° 2015-EU-TM-0197-M
Due to the complexity of the process for the Interim Payment request elaboration, SDM will host a dedicated one-day Workshop (repeated on 23 and 24 May) at SESAR Deployment Manager premises in Brussels. This event will launch the Interim Payment request elaboration and will provide you with detailed information on the process, the timeline as well as all mandatory documents which need to be provided. The Workshop will also include dedicated Q&A sessions to address all of your questions and open points.
You can already submit your question on Interim Payment by clicking here.
High Level Agenda
The main aim of the Workshop is to provide the Beneficiaries with a full batch of information in order to secure smooth Interim Payment Request elaboration and submission. More specifically, the Workshop, led by SDM in collaboration with INEA, who will participate to the presentations, that will tackle all major topics reported below.
09:30 – 10:00 Participants registration
10:00 – 10:15