2023 Local Single Sky Implementation+ (LSSIP+) event
2023 Local Single Sky Implementation+ (LSSIP+) event

2023 Local Single Sky Implementation+ (LSSIP+) event

17.10.2023 09:30-16:30

Summer 2023 is coming to an end, and we hope you all had a good break.

As an introduction to the new LSSIP+ 2023 cycle, we would like to draw your attention to our latest flyer containing a high-level introduction on what's new and what to expect in the upcoming cycle.

The flyer will also give you an overview on the upcoming LSSIP+ cycle. Please feel free to share it within your organisation.

In addition, we have been working on our new web-based guidance material that will soon be available to the LSSIP+ community as a dedicated SharePoint site that will be updated regularly.

Finally, we would like to remind you that you can register for our LSSIP+ Kick-Off event (17 October) in which we will be celebrating the 30th anniversary of the process. You can also show your interest for the Webinar for Newcomers that will be held online on 28 September.

Register now

We look forward to working together on the new LSSIP+ 2023 cycle!