2023 CEF2 Transport Call Launch Event
2023 CEF2 Transport Call Launch Event

2023 CEF2 Transport Call Launch Event

28.09.2023 10:00-13:00

Dear SESAR deployment stakeholders

As anticipated before the summer break, we kindly invite you to a dedicated Launch Event on Thursday 28 September 2023 for the 2023 CEF2 Transport Call which is expected to be published by The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) towards the end of September. 

This event will launch the SDM 2023 CEF2 Transport Call for Proposals Responses Preparation Phase.

We will provide you with detailed information on the processtimeline and all mandatory documentations to be submitted, as well as on how SESAR Deployment Manager can and will support you during the elaboration and timely submission of your implementation project(s) proposal(s) for the 2023 CEF2 Transport Call. 

The meeting will be held in person at SESAR Deployment Manager premises in Brussels. We strongly recommend you to join us in person if possible. For the ones unable to participate in person, a link* will be made available shortly before the event. During the event, SDM will facilitate direct interaction with our experts and informal networking where you will be able to meet the team and exchange experiences with other stakeholders.There will be plenty of Q&A time to ensure we can cover all your questions.

*Please write an email to [email protected] in case you would like to receive a link to connect to the event.


09:30: Registration (Please bring your ID card!)

10:00: Welcome & Opening of the meeting

  • The CEF 2 Programme and the Role of SESAR Deployment Manager

  • Overview of the SESAR Deployment Programme 2022

  • 2023 CEF 2 Transport Call Scope, Defined Priorities and Performance Aspects  

  • Preparing your Proposal: Process, Structure, Roadmap, Supporting Tools

  • From CINEA Evaluation to Execution phase

13:00 Closure of the Meeting & Networking Lunch