2021 Amendment Exercise - Training session 2
SESAR Deployment Manager is organising two dedicated training sessions on the 2021 Amendment Exercise. In these interactive workshops, we would present some informational material and give the audience an opportunity to ask questions in an interactive setting. The focus lies both on the process and technical (STAR tool) side.
Timeline of activities
Timeline of activities
Zoom on work on Mirrored IP and submission AR
Mirrored IP
How to access the Mirrored IP in STAR tool
Mirrored IP - which items can be amended
Modify Project description
Modify Tasks
Modify MM, Milestones/deliverables
Modify Planned costs
Cost, what can and cannot be modified
Who provides what?
Draft amendment request (IP Leader)
Draft amendment request (IP Contributor)
IP description in t-c
Communication from/to SDM
Reference Material - STAR repositories
Practical details will be sent to participants on the 23rd of April.